Summer is here, and most of us seem to be struggling in our everyday lives as a result of the oppressive heat.

Several lifestyle behaviors require your attention this season to keep rejuvenated and fresh.

Here are the basic tips that will help you win this hot summer and keep you fresh and cool all day

Start by making changes in your diet

Don't add fatty foods to your diet. Keep them healthy and simple. Add more watery and seasonal fruits and vegetables to your diet.

Drink a lot and a lot of water. It will help you with getting hydrated.

Keep yourself hydrated

Eat seasonal fruits and vegetable

Eating seasonal foods have a lot of health benefits and charm

Maintain your hygiene

Try to be more clean and hygienic. Keep your surroundings clean. Take a bath frequently.

Transform Activities into Exercise

Make ordinary things like going to the park more active by taking the long route, using the stairs, or adding some strengthening workouts along the way.